quarta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2009

Trilogy - Lucky Chair at The Obscene ...

I decided to visit the main store to look for Christmas gifts, advents and when I arrived there, I found: 1 folder of nice skins, one folder of glitter skins, and another with face light. Besides, you can get there my favorite skins: the ones given in the lucky chairs!!! There are 3 lucky chairs there with 3 different very cool tribal skins. Wow, I almost camped there for 2 days to get them but I am sure you will not regret; they are absolutely awesome and Gosh, I am extremely happy!!!

Outfit: T-shirt Just Lae by LeMelonRouge no one can have =)
Skins:The Obscene won from a lucky chair at mainstore
Hair: Laq for free in a wall at store very nice styles
Bra: Poised MM (there is another MM there it already gonne)
Jewels: Dryad Designs Noveau Harpist not free

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