sábado, 20 de novembro de 2010

sw?++November group gift + Pig + La Malvada Mujer + Tik Tok New Skin!!!

This new skin does not come with the tatoo (La Malvada Mujer)!! I will write here because many people do not read blogs!! They Just look the urls and that is all!!!
I will repeat this set of skins without the tatoo for sure!! I swear of God that I am not wearing any lipstick layers!!!The skin is like that!So Yummy, and so delicate!!!I am very proud!!!
I present to you Bony!!! The new skin by Tik Tok Body Care. I saw Miah everyday creating a new skin and I can imagine how must be difficult make a different face,expressions...
One must be more sexy, Other more classy face, doll, princess... LOL this is insane o.o! How can someone choose to be a skin creator???How do they arrive in this process??o.o Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!
Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!
sw?++November group gift + Pig + La Malvada Mujer + Tik Tok New Skin!!!
sw?++November group gift + Pig + La Malvada Mujer + Tik Tok New Skin!!!
sw?++November group gift + Pig + La Malvada Mujer + Tik Tok New Skin!!!
sw?++November group gift + Pig + La Malvada Mujer + Tik Tok New Skin!!!
sw?++November group gift + Pig + La Malvada Mujer + Tik Tok New Skin!!!
I matched So What? Group Gift with the upper part of Pig outft.

Corset:Pig- Day Lilies Camisole U - Whipped Cream here all store is on sale better you take a look
Pants:sw?++November group gift(WOMEN) fee join look notices!!!
Skin:Bony-fair-cl-smoky by Tik Tok Body Care
Hair:e] Details - Brown 08 not free here new release
Tatoo:La Malvada Mujer - La Bocca Chiusa not free I am fan of Faina Cortes. I love her Make-ups, Her tatoos, her creations.She has a strong Mark!! And there we go with another tatoo made by Faina!Those are on my arms.
Jewels:La Malvada Mujer - La captura de peces [set] It is on sale in La Malvada Mujer Mainstore . I Could not resist and grabbed it!There is also a tatoo make-up layer Twiggy for 10l outside the store!!!

The RACCOON BABY was made by Really Scrabblebat. He made for me, well Really makes things all time.LOl and he sells if you want so just send him a notecard!
Love you Really!

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